Use of the PowerBox power station on Bonne Pioche’s eco-filming for the next movie by Nicolas Vanier

TYVA Energie has recently interviewed Pascal Guerrin, the Executive Director of Bonne Pioche Productions which intervened on the eco-filming of the French director Nicolas Vanier’s next movie: “C’est le monde à l’envers !”

On this occasion, the PowerBox portable power station was used on the film set to power several equipments as a sustainable and eco-responsible alternative to power generators.

Introduce yourself

I am Pascal Guerrin, I am the Executive Director of Bonne Pioche: a production firm in the cinema and the audiovisual sector.

Tell us more about your last interventions regarding eco-filming

« C’est le monde à l’envers ! » by Nicolas Vanier is our 7th cinema eco-filming. We already worked with him on our very first one on the film « Poly ».

How eco-filming is different from a traditional movie shooting?

Embracing an eco-filming shooting approach signifies there are a lot of habits that require to be changed. It concerns the teams, whether they are artistic or technical. Besides making a movie with all the usual necessary means, it implies looking for additional humane, technical and logistical solutions in order to reduce the carbon footprint on film sets.

Do you think these changes can be applied on a larger scale?

There is an eco-conditionality of aids with the « Plan Action ! » of the CNC (National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image). Today, the whole sector must embrace an eco-filming approach. Obviously, we will be able to generalize many solutions on a large scale.

How does the PowerBox used during the eco-filming has represented a relevant alternative energy source?

On the film set of « C’est le monde à l’envers ! », we set the target to use little or no hydrocarbon to supply energy to our mobility starting with our electric vehicles. We also used solar panels, but most of all we had to find solutions to recharge and power our electrical equipment.

Indeed, I do believe it is a very good alternative to power generators which are fuel consuming.

TYVA Energie’s power station was particularly useful for our teams to provide the necessary electricity to specific filming conditions, whether in the countryside or inside a tunnel for example. Thus, we used it and it was convenient and well adapted to our electricity requirements.

Executive Director of Bonne Pioche

What improvements can be considered to encourage eco-filming?

The product is already relevant and as I said it fits our needs. What would maybe also be useful in order to gain mobility and recharge possibilities is a battery truck.

Could your last eco-filming be setting an example to learn from?

With « C’est le monde à l’envers ! » by Nicolas Vanier, we truly hope we have demonstrated concrete examples that will inspire our counterparts from the sector. Thus, they will be able to apply the same practices, use the same equipment on their filming and strongly generalize eco-responsible processes.

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