Possible applications of our batteries

You were waiting for it? Here it is! The third and last part of our company’s story TYVA Energie in video is out!

In this last part, you’ll discover the different applications of our innovative products Made in France. Enjoy!

As you can see on our production site’s roof, our batteries fit perfectly with photovoltaic panels in a logic of energy storage.

But what are TYVA Energie’s batteries other applications? In the air, on land or at sea, our lithium batteries are with you everywhere.

Electric mobility is core to our applications, whether for scooters, buses, sports car or even off grid construction equipment, we do it all.

We can also fit electric boats or underwater robots thanks to our IP65 and IP67 batteries.

In town, you can also spot our batteries in a good number of street furniture.

For those who like to control everything in one click, it’s possible. You can monitor all your batteries from one single secure space.

We’ve presented you only a small percentage of the objects we can fit. You want to power a rocket? We’re in 😉

Want to learn more? 👉 Watch the first part | Watch the previous part

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