TYVA Energie joins the French Fab and Coq Vert communities as a committed French industrial actor

Since it was created in 2013, TYVA Energie is a committed company regarding various levels: whether for environment thanks to TYVA Refill batteries reconditioning solution or through a local sourcing by choosing to collaborate with partners located less than 90 minutes from our production site of Annonay. To go even further with this commitment and be identified as a French company involved in many subjects such as innovation, industry or eco-responsibility, TYVA Energie has recently joined specific communities. 

French Fab Coq Vert

Communities emerging from a French impulsion

Bpifrance created these communities: it is an actor involved in many French companies’ everyday lifes and activities.

Since May 2022, TYVA Energie took an extra step forward by integrating the Bpifrance Excellence community which goal is to put area companies through, accelerate their growth and develop their business. Besides being a network, it is also a prestigious and authentic label which characterize the belonging to this community whose members share the same values and ambitions. From this network, TYVA Energie was able to reach quit a few communities thanks to its activity and its commitment regarding various areas.

French Fab

French Fab

Launched by Bpifrance in 2017, the French Fab brings together the industrial ecosystem across France. This community is a network, but also a showcase for more than 7000 companies part of the French industrial system. It gathers all types of companies: SMEs, intermediate size companies, major groups, but also smaller businesses, all of them sharing the same ambitions concerning innovation, dynamization of the territory or ecological transition for example. Thus, the constitution of such a community aims to federate companies from the industrial sector and to support the promotion of the French industry beyond our borders.

To integrate the French Fab aims to emphasize the Made in France aspect, but also open up to other industrial companies and grow together while being concerned about tomorrow’s challenges. That is why TYVA Energie has joined the French Fab community in June 2022. It also allows to strengthen our positioning as a French committed industrial actor and to put forth this acknowledged label to our customers and partners.

Coq Vert

Coq Vert

The Coq Vert community is dedicated to companies’ bosses gathering more than 1300 executives looking for a greener future and already convinced by the daily need to take actions towards an ecological and energy transition. It is a strong and limited community launched by Bpifrance in September 2020 as part of the Mutual Climat Plan 2020/2024, in partnership with the ADEME and the French Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Thierry Claudel, TYVA Energie’s CEO, had the privilege to integrate this community in July 2022 thanks to its eco-responsible commitment notably through the manufacturing and reconditioning of lithium batteries. Indeed, membership in the Coq Vert community is justified by the environmental aspect of a company, whether in its ecological transition or its activity such as the conception of sustainable lithium batteries that can be reconditioned.

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